Our goal is to help independent filmmakers.

It is a revolutionary time in entertainment. While so many industries are steadily moving towards oligarchy, film and music remain a mobile venture. Content is king, and with new avenues of distribution, there exists a need for companies that can be efficient while navigating the changing landscape. A nimble company that can fit between the realm of modern content creation and distribution may efficiently carve out a niche as a new age media company.

Running Bear Media serves to break the impasse between content creator and audience in all forms of consumable media. We specialize in post-production workflow and distribution for independently created content in film and music. With a wide network of content creator relationships, extensive marketing and distribution experience with film and music, and considerable knowledge of the new, dynamic technologies utilized for content distribution, Running Bear can shape and execute a unique marketing and distribution campaign for each project we acquire.


We are actively looking to acquire film and music projects in all phases of production. Please contact us at info@runningbearmedia.com and tell us about your project. We would love to hear from you!

Running Bear Media was founded by filmmaker and businessman, Isaac Marble and composer and sound engineer William Piotrowski.